FastLED setRGB Function for Changing LED Colors
I found and tweaked the following code from Scott Kletzien in the FastLED Google+ Community. The setRGB function threw me off at first, since I thought it worked like the HSV settings.
Here's the simplified guide to setRGB
The full function will look like the following in your sketch or code.
Another way to look at it is leds[i].setRGB(RED AMOUNT, GREEN AMOUNT, BLUE AMOUNT);
The amounts can range from 0 to 255. So if you set the red to 255 and the other values to 0, you'll get red LEDs showing.
leds[i].setRGB(255,0,0); will turn the LEDs to red
leds[i].setRGB(0,255,0); will turn the LEDs to green
leds[i].setRGB(0,0,255); will turn the LEDs to blue
Using all the values at once will give you a huge range of colors.
leds[i].setRGB(241,124,200); will turn the LEDs to a pink color.
HINT: If you're trying to find the code for a specific color, a lot of graphics programs let you pick a color and give you the RGB settings. (I use GIMP, which is like a free version of Photoshop).
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